Over the last 6 months we have had a lot going on and I did manage to get a few on camera. We have been trying to take advantage of Cody's days off and the fact that our kids are not in school yet and have do some fun things.
We took Taylyn to the Green Show at the Shakespeare Festival.
I got her a tarts to try and she took a couple bits but wasn't quite so sure about them. She was more interested in the guy walking around with balloons than the dancing and singing, but enjoyed being outside and seeing the fountain. She almost made it through the whole show until she said quite loudly, "I need to poop Mommy, right now!" We rushed inside the building, parked the massive stroller, went downstairs, waited in lines, helped her on the potty while holding Jaxon and she say, "I guess I don't need to go!" I took a deep breath and we went to see the water fountain.

We bought bikes the last part of the summer . We have talked for a long time about getting some and finally decided to do it. Tony bought one too so we got a good deal and the 3 of them. The boys got to try them out first because of course the bike I wanted had to be ordered.
Once I got my bike and child carry we put the kids in and rode over to the park. I just about didn't make it pulling the two of them. I quickly realized I am in very bad shape. Cody ended up pulling them back home, which was a good thing; I almost didn't get myself home.

Jaxon is not a fan of the carrier. If he doesn't fall asleep he screams the entire ride, which makes Tay scream so the bike ride isn't as relaxing as I had hoped for. He will get it figured out by Spring I hope!

This is at the park.
She was so proud for going down on her belly without me.

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