We went to the Sigma Nu Easter Egg Hunt. Taylyn was a little nervous and cold at first but once she got an egg it was GAME ON!

She was ready to go, but still a little sleepy!

When will this every begin!


She finally perked up!

Easter Dress. I never could get Jaxon to hold still long enough to get a picture.

Time to color eggs.

It was really fun this year because Taylyn so so excited about the whole thing.

Waiting was the hardest part!!!!

Finally it is time to play!!

Deep with concentration on getting the eggs perfectly decorated.


Happy Easter Morning.
Jaxon was more impressed with his bottle than the basket the Easter Bunny left for him.

Taylyn was so excited that the Easter bunny according to her, "he brought me everything I ever wanted!!!!!" Followed with a sad face, "he didn't even come and see me to say hi, i will miss him."

Checking out the goods!

All she wanted was, "a princess suitcase that I can pull all by myself with a handle, so I don't have to pack with you anymore Mom." Well the Easter Bunny couldn't find a princess one so she got a pick flower one and she loves it. Thanks Easter Bunny!!!

Waiting to go down and find the eggs.

Jaxon wasn't quite sure what was going on and Taylyn was quickly finding all the eggs so Daddy decided to help.

He didn't want to put them in the basket, he wanted to eat them up!

She ran the entire time.

More running!

He gave up. The Dora bike was much more entertaining!

She was really sweet to Jaxon. She saw he didn't have much and picked a few that she didn't like as much and gave them to him so they had the same. Hope that lasts a little longer!


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