Monday, September 13, 2010

Tay and Jax

Jaxon has to have a blanket and guys just like Taylyn does. He calls both of them Tigger though! He is so funny about his bed. When he wakes up he has to have at least 20 minutes to play in it or he won't let me get him out with throwing a fit. When he is ready to get out he yells my name and when I walk in he tells me, "out." It just has to be on his time.

Taylyn learning to play the ukulele from Cody's cousin Chris.
Watching a movie with Aiden, Tay and Jax. They will being very silly.
"You said cheese."
Look at those eyes. How do you say no to that?
Watching a little golf with Daddy.
"Yes I would like a Coke Please."
"Fine I will do it myself!!!!"
Gotta love Laundry Days!
"Mommy, just put me in my bed already!!"
She decided that would make a fun picture and posed herself. She is so silly sometimes.
Taylyn posing with all her puppies, blankets, and Jaxon's monkey all shoved in one little stroller.
Mommy and her Jaxon
They were the best little buddies and Jaxon wanted to be every where Taylyn was and doing whatever Taylyn was doing.
My kids sure make me happy.